Monday, July 20, 2009

Cross-cultural Evidence!

Dear Readers,

I report to you with excitement about the neo-Aegean data! I have found some references which indicate you are direct precursors of this society. It is truly beyond incredible to me that I can tell you something that may be in store for you. Of course, we've screened everything so no one may use it for their gain. And remember, just because the augur sees it, does not mean it shall definitely be so. Caveat emptor.

Below is a fragment of what seems to be a record of an oral story, from that data set. You will see immediately why I theorize that it originates from your culture.

"[beginning of tale is truncated] it was then that Mr. Bennett stared flatly at Heracles and said, "Sir, if your intentions toward my daughter are untoward in the least, you may find me capable of more than sitting in chairs and offering pithy comments."

Now, children, you know that gods, even demigods, do not often take well to criticism. However, in this case, Heracles respected Mr. Bennett as the worried father, and calmed his temper. He smiled widely, and gods'-fire could be seen arcing off of his teeth, "Mr. Bennett, I assure you that if anything ill should come to your daughter as a result of my advances, I will repay every damage to your family with an entire constellation of stars. I will work any labor you ask."

Mrs. Bennett giggled with delight, but the god could see that her husband was still less than pleased."

The manuscript ends there, however I suspect that somewhere in the rest of the data, I will find the end to this story. As soon as I can, I shall communicate it to you.


Dr. John Skylar
Department of Anachronism
University of Constantintople

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