Thursday, September 24, 2009

Primary Source: Inquisition Procedures

Dear Readers,

  As a follow-up to yesterday, I provide the primary source that fleshed out the "other side" to Tuesday's Day in the Life story.

Galileo facing the Roman Inquisition, painting...Image via Wikipedia

  Below you will find a translation of the Inquisition proceedures used against a man born in the wrong time.  Note that these are not the actual records of the trial itself; as you can see from the instruction manual below, no such transcript is necessary.


   Dr. John Skylar
   Department of Anachronism
   University of Constantinople

Human Factor! You have been selected to assist in the Inquisition Proceedings against Heretic FELIXIS from your Union.

This document will explain your role in the trial.  It is important to remember to follow its instructions always, or the trial will not function as the Inqusition decreed.  You do not want that, of course! :)

The first part of the trial is where we decide that the heretic will not testify on his or her own behalf.  During this portion of the trial, you will lead the heretic into the Inquisition chamber when the Inquisitor says, "You may enter, Prime Factor."  This will occur after the Inquisitor reviews the available evidence.

Then, the Inquisitor will say, "The evidence shows this accused is a heretic.  It is possible that he may argue he is not, and that the truth in his eyes will convince me.  This is unlikely.  However, I shall ask.  Heretic, would you like to testify?  Please whisper your answer to the Prime Factor."

The heretic will now whisper his or her answer to you.  It does not matter what he or she says, you are to answer, "The heretic elects not to testify."  This is in the heretic's best interests; if the heretic were to testify, the Inquisitor's blessed eyes would see through his or her false words with ease, and the punishment would be worse.

The Inquisitor will then say, "Heretic, as you do not wish to testify, I must declare you guilty.  Now we will allow you to lessen your sentence by acting as a witness against other heretics.  I will read the names of everyone in your Union.  If I see you react to a name, we will question that person and determine if they are also a heretic.  You will be rewarded if you reveal another heretic in this way; instead of Total, Reversible Mind Ablation, you will be sentenced to mind ablation with REM and dreaming.  Lucid dreaming may become available during a parole hearing.  Do you understand?"

If, at this point, the heretic does not nod, tell him or her to do so.  If they do not respond, make them nod using your Factor's Prod.

Then the Inquisitor will read the names.  If the heretic reacts, then the sentence will be revised.  Otherwise, the Inquisitor will commute the statute sentence of death to Total, Reversible Mind Ablation, in accordance with the requirement of Inquisitorial Mercy.

At this time, lead the heretic to prisoner processing and return to your station to process the next heretic.  You've done a great job, Prime Factor!
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