Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Outlaw Blogger Gangs

Partial map of the Internet based on the Janua...Partial Map of the Internet: Image via Wikipedia
Dear Readers,

The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of your time stream's society.  You know this as well a I.  It connects everyone with the information they desire without judging that information (at least, in situations where free speech is allowed and there is net neutrality).

With all the possibilities that are created by the Internet, it would take the complete and combined efforts of time normal statisticians, physicists, biologists, historians, anthropologists, and archaeologists to assess the full potential impact of the Internet on the future.

Fortunately, you have Anachronists like me who can use Augury to "cheat" and this and tell you what's out there.  This week, I want to focus on a few different possibilities that we know will come out of the Internet.  The Internet Age encouraged the move from modern to postmodern.  What happens when we move on from that?  One option is below the jump.


Dr. John Skylar
Department of Anachronism
University of Constantinople

Louis's wheels tore down what remained of the New Jersey Turnpike.  When he looked up, away from the road, he could see personal craft flit through the sky above.  In his eyes they meant nothing.  Instead, something else mattered to Louis.  His eyes fixed on the airship above.  He needed to stick to its route, even if it took him through the pine barrens.

Well, at least as far as southern Jersey.  If it went over Delaware, the AC/DC/MC would pick 'em up.  The DC Motorcycle Club, that is.  And if they went over the water...well, then his gang stood to make a whole bunch of money.  He'd tweet if they came up on Cape May.

The rest of his crew rumbled with him down the tarmac.  Louis kicked on the autodrive, and it picked up the GPS signal inside a few seconds' time.  He looked back at the rest of his crew, and they all nodded.  High time to blog this.

Louis popped open his saddlebag and pulled out the tablet he kept there.  He scrawled out with this fingers, "Headed south over Jersey.  200 tons cargo.  Suspect foodstuffs, maybe small arms.  No passengers.  FAIR GAME.  Click the PayPal for heading and coords."

The ship didn't falter from the heading.  30 minutes, and the pirates would be paying in droves.  Feeding time.
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