Thursday, August 6, 2009

Media are the New Media

Dear Readers,

The recent conflict led me to reflect on the eras that I write blogs/tweet in. Each of them, by nature of these "Web 2.0" and "New Media" advances, are the most records-rich time periods we have available. Our augurs have such excellent information imprints from time periods like this that we can actually transmit information back. It takes some clever manipulation of the equipment, and to be honest I do not really understand it, but it works! And it brings me to you, seven (or so) days of your week.

Our community is not large enough to really make these forms of instant communication useful, but I remembered them from life and the withdrawal in my first centuries here was quite difficult to deal with. I was overjoyed when they told me I could once again communicate, and even with people from my own time stream. It was too long.

Then again, the years have changed quite how I feel about such things. Here, I can muse and write and ramble. Sometimes the sentences are profound, and sometimes they are not. The information, however, is all meant to help. Time will throw challenges at you, my former contemporaries. I try my best to offer you preparation of some kind, though I cannot give specifics.

Twitter, however, I have a deeper perspective on, now. Sometimes I still use it for little tidbits of information, little teases to remind people that I'm out here, and as real as it gets. But life, life in a world with Twitter, taught me just how world-changing 140 characters can be. The globe is on an axle greased enough that this little nudge, the tiniest of phrases, can make it spin. This concept is what Notaras feared, and now that we have won, it is what I will use to warn of the rocky paths that lie just off where your world is headed. Beware, my readers, but never despair.


Dr. John Skylar
Department of Anachronism
University of Constantintople


  1. Are you saying Twitter is a precursor to Armageddon?

  2. Twitter is going to PREVENT Armageddon?!?! That's it, I'm breaking out my stash...
