Monday, May 10, 2010


bestersignets1389Image by levar via Flickr
Dear Readers,

  Today I've decided to share something with you that I've been scrawling inside the covers of my books since I first became a graduate student: my book rhyme!

  Book rhymes were popular in your 19th and early 20th century, to warn people against stealing others' books, or to help a lost book find its home.  Losing books is not so large a problem for me, with the resources we have here at the University, but I still like the idea of the book rhyme, partly because of Alfred Bester.  Furthermore, I have always offered dinner to anyone who finds a book I've lost, and without a rhyme, it would be hard for them to collect their reward.

  Thus, I've decided to share my book rhyme with you, my readers.

John Skylar is my Name
Byzantium, my Nation
Forever is my Stopping-Place
And Always, my Habitation


  Dr. John Skylar
  Department of Anachronism
  University of Constantinople

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