I've been away, working on a few different projects, and my bandwidth to your time stream has been taken up with academic correspondence and students' work.
That period is now over, and I have begun to reevaluate the sorts of things that I put here. My seminars will remain, as well as at least one narrative/source-style post per week. However, I am considering adding at least one of two potential new components:
- Music: Might Have Been. This would be a column where I examine interesting musicians from your time stream and tell you what their lives could have been like if they had not chosen to become such artists.
- City Salons: When I was a graduate student, I often had my friends and sometimes even my enemies over for frank discussion on strange issues. I still have the records of these events, and I may share them with you.
Dr. John Skylar
Department of Anachronism
University of Constantinople